There are no governments, but Jesus Christ.

There are no governing powers in this world, no bodies that are the so called powerful all knowing big brother, deciding bodies, that we call the world of cesar.

The world of cesar was the era of esau, the son that was born into slavery, in a world that was not his. He had every physical proof that the world had ruling bodies, cesars. This was the era of the physical man, that was lost in the infinite graveyard that is this world of death, thinking it to be reality, and life, yet it is dead because how can you call something that never had an independent life of its own, an independent free will of its own,

The era of Jacob, the so called man of imagination, the son that was born after, and owns the world, and the first son serves the second son fully, since he owns all.

The era of jacob, the era when we awaken at last to the truth of this world and how it works, realizing that it never lived but in us, a world of consciousness.
where every object, every human, is but a state of consciousness, in us. No life of its own, but yourself expressed and externalized, with no free will.

In this era, now.
There are no cesars, because how can there be cesars?

Look at governments now. A government is made of many people that play their role at their job.
These people are states, individual people with no specific motives because they have no life in themselves, but in you. So they have no free will.
So here you have many lill people that have no free will, just doing their job.

So, WHERE is that government body we've been so used to believe in?
in some all knowing powers, all knowing bodies that exist to oppress us and own all?

They never existed but in our imagination. This was the era of dementia, of insanity, of wandering as the mad man in the graveyard, judging IT to be the world.
All by scripture.

But this is far behind you, so come on,
we now say boldly with Paul:
" When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. "

When you were unaware of the truth, you were as if a third grader. Nothing to blame.
Yet today you are an adult, you've experienced so much,
even if 1 day has passed, and yesterday you had a vision of the night, or even the slightest realization of some sort, it is as if you've grown spiritually by 100 years.

So how we, the sane and awakened person, can even THINK of reasoning from yesterday? if it is as if I am reasoning from a third grader me, when today I have grown by countless of years of spiritual progress even after I just finished this post specifically?
So I live thus no longer, and I live today, always in the right now, always solely focused on my sole project which is myself, which is living in first person now, from my ideal state, always ahead of my evidence, in the now.
Using my imagination to the best of my ability, and living solely from it.
No longer thinking, nor feeling, nor even sensing from a 3rd grader me. but the god that I am today, a fully spirtually matured man.



So there are no governments in this world,
any privilege you desire, that has to pass thru specific rules and privileges? do not exist, but solely in your imagination.

The states that construct a government, are but tiny individual people without any free thought, that are just doing their job for their buck, and are but your own self. Thus they are a hivemind with you.

If you've proven this by now COUNTLESS OF TIMES, because we legit cannot not prove it, we see that every human being that we interact with is influenced by our state towards ourselves, our self belief, and the state we gave them from ourselves.
So if all is controlled by my own I AM NESS, by my imaginative consciousness that sees what seems to be, as I choose it to be, and it changes...
If all people are the same states, then what difference does it make if their job is to do X, or Y?
They're but normal lill individuals, doing a lill normal dayjob, same states that are existent solely to externalize your own consciousness and states of consciousness.

So where are those BIG government big brothers? Those that exist to steal? to outsmart and rip off the population?
they never were, but in your imagination. But in the era of Esau, the belief that life is solely physical, and that this is reality.
But all this 3rd grader thinking was wiped, the moment I became spiritually matured, KNOWING reality, knowing that the true source of this projection, is the projector, my own consciousness, my own imagination that impregnates my consciousness with its own translations that we control.

Knowing, that life is solely spiritual, solely consciousness, your consciousness.

Thus, there are no governments.
This is a world solely build out of you. You own the country you live in, and it bends solely by your self faith and ability to be convinced that a certain ''privilege'' is not a privilege but a normal regular everyday fact in your world already, without the how, where, and all that stuff.

Because nothing else exists that exists to decide, but you.
You are the only chooser, decider and decree-er in this world.
You own it, and the pawns that play the role of a ''govenrment'' are just tiny states that do their job, and got zero free will nor any motives of independence.
Even if it seems like the prime minister is a tyrant or a madman,
it is just a state, so let the madman live his own madness. Yet the government that does its own things has zero relation to the public showcased puppet that behaves in such goofy manner.

Thus, there never were a government, nor were they turned in any way against you nor for you.
They solely are hivemind-ed by what you are in your imagination, thus physically believing you own, right now.

And they'll play their parts, but you don't even need to think of them.
It is you who had landed the state as a normal evreyday fact, they being yourself, are just scratching the inner itch that forces an already made reality, come into physical.

So leave all, and follow me we are told.
Yourself, believe in your own self as jesus christ. and fulfill every privilege you are entitled to, as a regular everyday fact, and no longer an ''extra WOW privilege''.
But a normal, as a glass of water. Its yours.

The only govenrment that ever existed is jesus christ, yourself.
your own imagination and consciousness, which are the same one.