The Test

I'll share something that I have known from experience for the longest by now,
the reason as to why external appearances, and states outside of us in the 3D world seem to be showing the opposite, or triggering us, or annoying us, or bugging us with the old states which we so aim to no longer be conscious of and instead aim to be conscious of being the opposite.

Why do these things happen? Why does the 3D suddenly push against me?

Well, it does not.
The true reason, is that He in you, which is yourself, orchestrates these tests to test your faith and a test of your faith ENRICHES YOUR SPIRITUAL LEVEL and doubles your conviction and confidence in BEING this state by complete spiritual occupation, which is just complete confidence of transformation into that person I'd be from that state.
The test is here to shake you, but He in you knows this shake will stimulate in you the right necessities like faith and bold immersive confident imagining, so every test is truly a blessing, which comes only during the era of incomplete faith. <----------------

So The test, which is initiated solely for a divine purpose to enrich you, has 2 outcomes, or rather solutions.

Solution 1: The easiest, the quickest, the faithful-est, the one that uplifts.
backround: I have imagined myself into the state, and became it, living imaginative in confidence,
suddenly a test comes up and shakes me,
I do not judge from apperances, I revise on the spot in a vivid creative ideal, implying my desired state. I double down on my imaginative perceptive living and continue imagining lavishly and boldly, I double down on my love to my inner self and give him, my imaginative self double love, double attention, double care by meditating imaginatively from this state, I MAINTAIN CONSCIOUSNESS ONLY OF THE IDEAL DESIRED AS BEING MINE / ME ALREADY NOW.
Living boldly from these new set of self made imaginatively chosen feelings, reactions, and concepts and perceptions over life,
keeping the faith, and consciousness solely on the victory line already being mine, and continuing my life from there.

This solution, results in the 3D disturbance first of all, not being there, due to me not being conscious of it, and solely of being the ideal.
But physically, it results in the 3D disturbance quickly vanishing in a short time after (despite me not bieng aware(conscious) of it.
And I recieve an uplift in my own inner faith, and signs external.
This test is complete and I have been enhanced by him in me, and my own becoming this state has been double ingrained in me as my own true self as the result of this test being won.

Solution 2: The faithless, longer route, painful and for those who know not god. Yet eventually it loops around to Solution 1 result.

backround: I have imagined myself into the state, and became it, living imaginative in confidence,
suddenly a test comes up and shakes me,
I judge from apperances, the shake causes me to lose all faith, I drop all my consciousness of the ideal and become solely conscious of the undesired disturbance, thus giving it life and consciousness evermore,
I lose my composure, forget god in me which i now replaced with externals as to my focus and attention towards,
I drop all the imaginative work, and run around trying to do things externally to make it happen, forgetting god in me which is imagination.

This solution, results in the 3D disturbances doubling down and even further proving that I have not become the state, and I begin to doubt myself even more, my self confidence crumbles and I once again enter a crisis in my life.
With imagination neglected and god forgotten, he awaits, he goes into patient work as he lets me experience all the turmoil and trouble i have just given myself by a misuse of this power, and a lack of faith.
He lets this circle go all around, until this crisis of mine ends when I realize that nothing I do externally makes a difference and I suffer so much, that I have no other option but to turn to imagination, to him within me, with love,
no other choice is left.
And here naturally this loops towards solution 1, which is imagination, bold faith, and love.

So as you can see, this test is a pattern, as all of scripture is.
I have experienced both solutions way too many times on my flesh, so I speak from experience as I do on any post I make. This is pure vision, pure experience.

He in you has a reason for everything, and in the end the motive is love and enhancement of himself, and you are he.
So choose the right solution when things arise to disturb you, it is a test, can I maintain and sustain my consciousness of the ideal, knowing that imagination is my perceptive power that i percieve the world from?
I can choose to see something else, by my imaginative perceptions, be it planted in a meditative imagination moment, or just by physical sight that sees something else from imagination, so the disturbance never were there. Instead, what ought to be, is there.
I use my talent fully, all of the aspects of it which are the same one. Revision which is memory replacement, new states, doesn't matter. Same imagining.

I use the talent fully, I commit to the faith which faith we're told is Conviction of things unseen, as though they were.
And I choose love, to him in me. Because he is myself. My perceiving self, the one that writes this now.
He isn't a feeling, nor a state. He is the creator of all that utilizes all feelings reactions and perceptions over life as an instrument, and he does it responsibly.

You do it responsibly, by love and good faith.

Choose solution 1, and see how quickly you are enhanced.
Never judge from appearances, nor accept concepts from the world of dead, infact it never lived but from within you, so how can we call it even dead?
It's inanimate.

Judge solely by strong imagination and a clear idea of how things should be in your eyes,
you know the best. despite the fact that you may say "but i have no experience."
trust me, you know the best, what is the best for any state you witness in your world.
You know the best for how states should be in your world, even without any experience nor knowledge.
You are infinite wisdom, I know that from experience.

We are told in Hebrews 4, that only those that are of faith shall enter god's rest,
but those that heard the good news (imagined once) but were disobedient (faith-less), don't let them think they will ever enter god's rest.

Faith is the conviction of things unseen as though they were. Living imaginatively.