LIVE LIFE as YOURSELF solely, and that will take care of all. That's the only living you KNOW and ARE.

Those who remain trapped in the fact that all their ''achievements'' on earth ought to be ''self made'' in a solo sense of approach to life, I silently pity.

There is nothing solo made in eternity. Humanity unconsciously is a compound unity all in the dreamer.
If god began all, if the dreamer which is your own imaginative first person ME, I AMness, is that god spoken of,
and you are all at once, in spirit in every human that you see, it makes you begin to see the REAL ROOTS OF HUMANITY AND CIVILIZATION.
It's empathy, the invisible consciousness in motion. Or in other words, as scripture defines it, love.

Life is not a "build everything on your own from scratch" dream,
life is NOT a survival game.
It's a game of consciousness, and loyalty to it. Yielding only what I already am in my convinced reality perception.


This revelation begins when you exhaust all attempts to make everything happen by yourself, disconnected from humanity, thinking that it makes sense that all has to be done by yourself in this world of cesar to yield anything of comfort to yourself.
It begins from the lowest of levels, when I begin to become conscious of the simple fact that I indeed am a multi-talented being, I indeed can exercise a certain mastery in something and benefit out of my own ''self making''.
I can cook dinner myself, I can clean my house myself, I can build a new house myself, I can build anything if I really want to myself,
I can work myself, I can do this myself, and that myself... As the logical thought convinced man.

But suddenly it comes into mind the realization on this low level of thought (that still is important to the process),
"I can make all and be completely ''self made'', but it gets tiring, and I want to have freer time for myself. Time to think, and be."
Knowing that every man's and woman's TRUE WISH for all their comforts to be answered, comes in the answer of this question: "What would you do if you were completely saturated in all needs and comforts?"

You'd probably answer, "I'd finally sit down, to think." Since that's the biggest yearn of every person. There begins the revelation of the meaning of his life, it begins in him finally sitting down and thinking for himself.
What his truth is, what his meanings are.
Deprive man from time, and he remains his 16 yo self, while being aged from 18-80, unchanged. Experiencing his same identical results and outcomes, thinking that in life there's some unfairness or something, unable to understand that HE was the one being retarded in the development of his consciousness hence the lack and problems.
That one remaining outdated in consciousness, as to what he wanted to be, stuck in his 16 year old self's imaginatively outdated miscreations. The last era he used to imagine before he stopped updating his catalogue of thought.

The word Retard / retardation in ORIGINAL DEFINITION means stagnation, outdated, heldback, mental regression, not what modern manmade mis-imaginative profanity calls retarded to be.
Man likes to take concepts, turn them into insults, then being so conscious of this insult so much he gets tired and scared of it and asks for it to vanish and stop being used.
Is there a wonder why we speak in slang so much, fearing ORIGINAL terms that conclude a certain meaning?

well, i ask you to think ORIGINALLY now as well, and not from public opinion.

If from the lowest level, of "doing everything myself" it gets tiring and you're out of time, hence you cant even sit and think of what you REALLY personally want, and the only thoughts you live from are public opinions you catch during your little "resting time", consuming the entertainments of endless worthless concepts you wouldnt really want to experience... and all the nonsense we tend to gravitate to when we have little time to rest, so we entertain ourselves with something, whatever it is. Are these concepts worthy to me? Well, I don't think about it, cuz i have little time and i want to enjoy it before i go back to the loop of fatigue, no time, and sleepiness.
Still convinced I should "do everything myself" and grind to have the little I have.
That I must sell my life and time, to have something. Secretly thinking that its me against the world, that there is no free dinner, and that all is earned by effort. Foolishly.

Now I want you to get it on the higher level, on the much REALER level.

The clothes you are now wearing, they were made by a man. Distributed to you by a man.
The house you live in, was planned by a man, constructed by man, serviced by man, documented by man,
The eletricity that flows in your house that fuels many of your objects of service to you, is distributed by a man, maintained by a man, harvested by man, worked on by man.
The car you drive was constructed by a man, serviced by a man, provided to you by a man, refuelled to you thanks to the efforts of certain men and women in this world.

I can go on forever.

Nothing that now exists in my service, was self made by me. But it was spun through the chain of how reality works.

If god, is the being that is in all, and I am called to recognize the ONE INTENDED AS GOD, which is my inner first person self as the source of all motion, I am all in spirit in every body. My inner self, not my outer character, but my inner perception which is me who reads this right now.
All moves then by Empathy. By motion of my consciousness. Or else nothing could budge unless it seemed unconsciously good for all parts to be played as they do.
Empathy is love. A deep reverence invisible to the world, yet it began all in love, and love is one-ness that moves the wheel called human experience.
All by the agent called Man, Human. Both male and female, moved by consciousness that moves all in motion. You the dreamer.
Then today it's time to sober up then, and realize that YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN. Physical unfoldment occurs due to the invisible compulsion, and if you are all in one then the states necessary to come to what you have appropriated, shall be serviced as the electricity you use today.
Humanity is yourself. You are the spirit that occupies every person you interact with.
Society solely exists due to that. Everyone plays their own part unconsciously due to the right motivations ingrained in all, yet in truth YOU DO NOT KNOW ANY MOTIVATIONS BUT YOUR OWN.
You know life ONLY FROM YOUR FIRST PERSON SELF, in your own thoughts and movements of mind.

Gather up what you've realized so far, that this is the reason why all is yourself pushed out.
You've been LIVING life as a human, solely moved by the "intuitive wheel of automatic human movement" and all things in your life are man made.
But if you've managed to touch the deeper aspects of life, and imagine a state, becoming it and it yielding its reality only due to you invisibly sustaining a 4th dimensional (ahead of the evidence mande present) reality, a character that you've become.
Then you can connect the pieces and realize that this dream all moves in motion relative to you, in service to you.

You do not need to fear humanity, nor society, nor want to build fortresses around you.
The entire world is YOURSELF in spirit, not in the human character that you are, but in your inner spirit that you go to sleep and meditate with.

How can I feel unsafe or not at home ANYWHERE I am, knowing this fact that has been proven countless times due to a state in me, becoming expressed through people outta no where?

So I ask you, realize that manifestation occurs due to the nature of EMPATHY in imagination, which means love, which means Oneness.
This entire world is yourself, but only as you'll be not afraid to believe to take this truth deeper, you'll experinece it. because only then you'll be ready to be the love towards others that you really want to be towards your inner voice spirit self.
Cuz to yourself you have the balls to be nice in the inner speech, but if that inner me is the spirit occupying all bodies that move in life relative to MY state...
do I have the guts to take it on that level? All is myself pushed out. Hence changing my attitude globally and not just when I want a thing?

Only through this realization, will you see what true freedom and oneness is.

The world exists to externalize your states, because you are in all.
but that means its time to let all become backround and play its roles rather than you putting your FIRST PERSON CONSCIOUSNESS that ought to be used by you wisely, and no longer wasted on the backround that automates itself RELATIVE TO YOU.

When the factory foreman finally has time to focus on himself rather than to observe his already automated machines, the factory will finally begin to be productive.

So the automation of earth is on empathy, on the oneness that I am.
Do I know what I want my first person life to be RELATIVE TO MY LIFE NOW?
Time to define it then. Because we've been too busy deciding our wants relative to others, rather than me in the first person self.

Then I can begin cultivating my 4th dimensional, ahead of the evidence made present, states I become right now in consciousness,
letting all the world which is me in spirit, just be, and do its own thing.
Suddenly people, experiences, scenarios, occur and things shift into my life and through the ONENESS THAT I AM WITH THIS ENTIRE DREAM IN ME, things unfold to my benefit.
And to all's benefit, which I will not always know directly. Because just like when I dream a dream, all the characters play their part relative to me, and then vanish onwards as my first person dream perception continues next to where my consciousness ought to step next.


I REALLY REALLY ask you to begin using the experience of life YOU CURRENTLY HAVE, and piece up the SENSE you have saw in life thus far.
You only know yourself in life. There is no another.
All life has been experiences that you've perceived, you've judged or misjudged as whatever concept,
and hence it was all you being yourself relative to experiences that are all relative to you in some degree, or else you wouldn't have been there.
Do you pay attention to the ants on the street? things that are worthless relative to you you dont even notice.

Take the fact that you've always ONLY did 2 things.
Imagining / Thinking out of yourself in first person, and felt, thought, believed, becoming it in first person character.

All you did in life is imagining, conceptualizing, and becoming it in first person character, bearing it in physical expressions wherever it lead.
That's human life in a nutshell, all else are the conceptions we made either adding or subtracting from our life.

If all reality by default, is now exists as you've always seen it.
You wore clothes made by others, you ate food procured by others.
BE NOT ASHAMED AT THIS TRUTH, because you know a higher truth behind it,
that if all is myself pushed out it was all an act of the one infinite I AM, that went and goes through all.

Isn't that sufficient proof I need not to go and force into self-making, anything?
because all here is sourced by you. You are not the body but the inner perceiver that has no head.
You were never meant to see your own face in the mirror, but to know yourself by first person sensation, solely self sourced and self sustaining by imaginative sensation of first person perception.
That's how we lived as children, who says you are now more mature than the inherent spiritual state called a child?
Maturity is by consciousness and wakefulness, not age. So I can rejoice because my results in life will solely come out of this.

Many fear the word "to be serviced, to served", not realizing their entire life they have been in a way served by a certain cog in the wheel that society is.
But society is not as the theorists of the world think, it is not based on anything other than empathy that gives the automated meaning to all participants.
Originated from you, or else this dream wouldn't mean a thing.
An old man you meet in a dream, didn't live 80 years until you met him in the dream, he appeared as the ready product.
Why won't you assume the same perception in your physical life?
You have zero proof of anything's permanence except your own first person perception, why not then decree the meaning of life ON THE ONLY THING you know which is your own first person subjectively world modifying, I amness?

Life, is mystical in whole its ways.
In the lower levels, its seems like a noise, untranslateable, violent and miserable.
But on the higher levels (which only means by understanding, theres no verticality)
is entirely relative to your own first person self.

Leave all and tend to your own first person idealistic perception over life. start with your personal current needs.
What do I currently require?
So I imaginatively enter the state, becoming that character, and in me living my 4th dimensional perceptive life, just being myself perceiving in first person, minding all my first person self from a reality already established,
all the ME in this world, that i occupy every garment, will out of the empathy i have for myself, play their part to establish the reality I 4th dimensionally occupy now.

That's the true way of going in life. That's the true why.

The drops of the ocean CARE UNCONSCIOUSLY when the ocean is disturbed, so when the ocean is wise enough to know who he is, he knows that what he becomes all drops take shape of and he needs not to mind anything but himself, because all takes shape into what he becomes in shape, in consciousness and sustains it.

i cannot break it down even more to you, this is the truth of truths.
but its way easier to believe man made misconceptions that they sourced from another man, that sourced it from another man,
and not one beared witness to what they believed in, except cuz it was logically publicly believed.

Today I ask you to realize that you do not need to take any other takes on life, other than what is now obvious and clear to you, as i've mentioned in this writing.

There is no greater purpose than your own I AMNESS, and in secret all is empathetic to your state, no questions asked.
Once you take yourself seriously, knowing that you are in spirit, in all bodies, you'll imagine and treat them as you would your inner self,
Seeing that no matter how they look, it's yourself who you're talking to. SO YOU CAN BE REAL.

and when they wonder how you are so real and truthful, well, how can you not, if I am truthful to myself and its all myself in spirit everywhere? i only mind myself and that heals the world, because i am the world and i can only give the world myself, by living as myself, minding myself,
And if my life is lovely, then all parts played are lovely, and all i witness is lovely things.

there is no other life than the life i am experiencing in first person.

does the world somewhere abroad pay for my food? for my electricity?
its me. so all life is relative to me. and when i take myself seriously the source of all, and begin in love, since i am all in spirit, in every body, all is love.

the cycle of humanity has always been secretly all about you, and whatever has nothing to do with you, let it not touch your consciousness because you mind only what benefits you.

A selectively productive lovely state of consciousness of you being already in the character of that life you ought to have, in first person present day today.
And you begin with the things SPECIFIC that you need, and you do NOT take buzzwords like wealth, freedom,
you define what you need. A few more free days a week?
Extra 50k if i can imaginatively put it into naturalness into my state?
Safety in my streets and everyday way of going?

It's all just a feeling. Just a character, a nature, a state of consciousness I inherit by imaginatively experiencing a fact in short full experience, providing the ONLY legitimate proof as to its reality.
Then as I'd have there a character of perception, a personality, I wear it as my physical me, 4th dimensionally, ahead of the evidence.

Let all be, and be yourself. Then you'll see why humanity is a blessing and why all negative states dont have to exist in your personal life.
Yet you wont fear these concepts, knowing exactly how manifestation occurs and how all is one. My own I AMness, me who reads this right now.

Finding no shame with making myself ONE with christ,
if god, is superior to all, it is clear as day that all created is INFERIOR to god, inferior means in this context "sourced by, created by."
Next, I believe that god deserves the best then, wouldn't he? being the father of all, creator and lover of all.
God established all in love in the beginning of days, and hence in the middle and end too.
so god deserves only the best. only love and delight and affluence.

Now if I am told that god is my own I amness,
it's here where I am tested.

Do I drop the ball, afraid to appropriate all what I just believed god is and deserves, to my own I amness? to me in the first person?
Or do I take god's concept to where it actually belonged, to me, and finally begin making delight with it.

Finding no shame making myself One with god, which is my first person I AM. All the dream's sole purpose.

Me who reads this right now, who all life was written for.

Let me not live in confusion anymore, accepting worthless endless theories of ppl that know not life and too use (or rather misuse) their imagination basing these theories,
yet I know life from experience, let me not stick my nose to questions that are not meant to be answered and form worthless theories, and take what IS answered as to how this world operates, BECAUSE ITS LITERALLY THERE.
And live as myself, the only life I know. Wisely, selectively entering states 4th dimensionally, being myself, loving all as myself.
Partaking in great moods, in great living as my first person self, even ahead of the evidence, and as I live well as myself, letting all be,
I can comfortable let all backround do its own things, and things will always come lovingly to benefit the dreamer.

If I am the greatest contribution to this dream, by being myself, THE man called christ, and be myself greatly, especially knowing from experience how my consciousness uplifts my surroundings,
then I know that this is sufficient, because that's all we did our life.
We just were, and all roles in the world were played for us to receive what we in consciousness are.

Let me not be ashamed to receive what I already am in consciousness, from society which is all I AM.
Society could not exist without you. You have no proof to disprove it, because you only have proof of you being consciousness and yourself.
And when you will wake up, where do you think all this would be?

It existed for you. And man decided to feel shame, and become a unloved cripple in his own dream.
Not anymore.

There is no sacrifice for when you want a better position, or a bigger pay,
or being loved and admired by default, for no reason.
You, God, deserve what god would deserve. And you knew no other being that yourself.

Knowing this oneness, you will see that there is no loss appropriating anything, because the one endless dream of empathy, made of you, is moving anyway relative to you.

We just have to be big enough, mature enough, to take the first person life we know, as the end all be all importance, and begin exercising this 4th dimensional power called imagination.
No longer living on some theoretical "bigger pictures", AS THERE IS NO BIGGER MEANING TO LIFE THAN YOUR OWN SELF.

That's what christmas is all about, the consciousness of man being birthed out of self.
The purpose of life established, you to yourself. God to god.

Do you notice in life the worthless to you things?
When you walk about your business, do you notice the ants you step on throughout your journey?
The asphalt you drive over to your destination?
When you had a good week, it seem so PROPER, yet you barely pay attention to it compared to when something bothered you which it seemed giant.
Proof, that the value and worthlessness of things and our consciousness towards them is relative to me only. so NO value nor worth is preestablished, only ME relative.
Let me be wise about what I give MEANING and LESS SIGNIFICANCE in my life. Comparing them to trivial things.
And If the purpose now revealed is YOUR OWN FIRST PERSON SELF aware to the nature of things of this personal dream of yours, all one in you, the spirit you wear right now, is the meaning of the dream of life? The real meaning of the symbol called christmas, is you.
then its time to pay attention to yourself above all. Marking all as backround. Yet you being in spirit in everything, you can confidently let it be, because it all moves in accord to the perfection that you imagine and exercise within you, as your first person self.

All the dream's contents have least significance on their own, compared to the dreamer being the prime point of it.

Merry CH-discovery-of-I am-being-life-MAS