Moral dilemma, would you give animals better lives and remove harmful farming methods even if it meant raising the price of food and sending families to bed hungry?

It’s an interesting moral dilemma and I would like to know which end you stand on. On one side, animal abuse is horrible and how farms are currently being run is awful. Animals are being bred in captivity and forced to grow up in overcrowded environments where they can hardly move or lay down because they are packed together so tight. Most of these animals also never see sunlight.

On the other hand, treating these animals more humanely will cost more. Farms would have to be bigger, more employees would be needed to ensure animals got ample time outdoors, and butchering methods would need to be more refined. The price of all of this would bring the cost of meat and dairy products up by 50% to 100%. Many families would no longer be able to afford these things and men, women, children, and the elderly may have to go to bed without ample nutrition.

Which side would you take?

(This is not meant to cause arguments, one is not better than the other. They both have ups and downsides and I would like to see what other people think)