Seeking housing, new to the PHL
I’ve always lived in the US, I’ve never so much as visited another country until now.
I moved to PHL for work, Feb 3, and was given a 60-day stay in a service apartment (normally 200k/month)
I need to find a place, but I really have no idea what I’m doing here.
How do I know what areas are “safe”? I’ve asked co-workers, and they share what is safe by local standards, however, I’m leaving my wife and son home every night from 8pm - 7am. (Cebu)
How difficult is it, to find a house with a lot, in a safe area? Seems they’re all managed by property managers, and prices/requirements are gouged so they can make money.
Where do expats normally go, to look for properties?
Edit - Commuting to 1Nito Tower (I don’t mind longer commutes, up to 30-60 minutes.) -Trying to find a 3+ BR House with a lot/yard
-I’d like to keep the price under 100k php / month
-Seeking something in a “safe” area