Fuck popular opinion. What are YOUR top 5 games?
FF: CC Remastered - Multiplayer
Is it possible to play a holy knight/paladin?
Seeking housing, new to the PHL
What mobile suit has the most fear factor?
why do men always say they werent asleep even though they were just snoring?
Why do people lie about their income here?
Overstaying one day
Seeking Action Adventure RPG
Long shot…any expats have any medication for Gout?
Just put $32.97 through the washing machine, AMA
my girlfriend altered a forest
Gisela and Bruna - Innistrad Remastered
So glad i didnt sell.
bro ain’t even buy the product and trying to resell it 😭
UPDATE...The reports are working people...keep it up!
I need gift ideas for my good friend (41M) who has everything.
Spawnwave did a poll. I think it's safe to say that the absolute majority was wrong! 😭
What if: Breath of Fire was done by another videogame company?
Now I understand
🎶Wow, Wow, You didn’t really do to bad, good job 🎶
Gamers that are 40+,what do you play?
Does our beardies (peppa) leg look injured?
AIO for telling my gf to respect my mum?
ummm I sent the wrong photo to my mom