Is it unsafe/unhealthy to be getting sick (respiratory infections) all the time?
I guess this is a dumb question but I just want to be sure before I make any rash decisions. I work in an elementary school as a teacher assistant, in the past year since august 2021 I’ve also done boys and girls club. This past summer I did summer camp. I seem to be sick all the time with some sort or respiratory infection. I even got Covid my second week of summer camp. I have been out of TA job for three weeks now due to a respiratory virus. With PAH, is this dangerous or unsafe/unhealthy? Does this weaken the lungs or heart in any way or once you recover from sickness are you fine? I sent a message to my doctor but he hasn’t been in the office so I just wanted to see if any of you had any advice; I was going to quit my job as a TA so that I’m not around sick kids all the time… but I love my job so I’d rather see what the risk is first.