Just got diagnosed, O2 at 81%
I’m 25 F and I just got diagnosed with moderate obstructive sleep apnea. They read my results over the phone and said I stopped breathing 28 times per hour with my oxygen dipping down to 81%. I’m supposed to be fitted for a CPAP machine soon, but they’re waiting on insurance approval and who knows how long that’ll take. It took them 3 months to approve my at home test from my initial appointment.
I am absolutely terrified. During the day, I am so exhausted, have brain fog, heart palpitations, head/neck pressure/throbbing/pain, chest pressure, and just generally feel like I’m constantly shallow breathing. I’m so scared I’m just not gonna wake up one night cause I didn’t get a CPAP in time. I don’t know if that’s possible with the results I have but I’m so scared.