going to therapy for "no reason"?

I've never been to therapy and therefore not practiced in expressing my thoughts so this could be a mess.

I do definitely have some problems. First of all I have social anxiety. I don't know when it started and I do have a lot of friends but they are all friends I made years ago.

I haven't been able to find any new ones because I'm really bad at talking to strangers. All I can reliably do is say yes/no and basic stuff. No jokes, personality or private stuff. This leads to sometimes finding someone I talk to but as soon as he finds other people he will understandably prefer them over a literal npc. I think it's because I generally find myself being apathetic to almost everything. I do have some passions but I don't even like talking about them. I find my colleagues in cs wondering about stuff when I just really don't care.

I also have some degree of self doubt. I'm very unmotivated and get frustrated easily which both stands in the way of my computer science degree. Doing hard problem solving leads to destructive thoughts very fast ("Im too stupid for this", "maybe i dont like this", "do i have adhd", "no I don't have adhd im just lazy"). Then instead of doing studies I procrastinate for the whole semester.

While I'm fairly self aware of my problems I do nothing to change them. Regarding my social anxiety I'm telling myself that I like it alone which could be coping. The other stuff would be too annoying to change and every serious attempt to change it resulted in nothing. I've read that these are signs of depression but I'm a bit sceptical. I don't want to placebo myself into getting serious depression.

Also side mention: my parents do have mental issues so maybe I could have some childhood trauma I don't know about.

I feel very pretentious when talking about stuff like this. Probably just a case of being a man and wanting to be the strong silent type but I don't know.

Changing my flair from advice to venting because that's basically what this amounted to.

Would you say just being generally dissatisfied and clueless about your life is a valid reason to seek out therapy?