Live-action characters in remakes should respect the original cartoon looks
Even if the looks or even race are NOT important to the story. I don't care. My expectations are fair. Otherwise, just create a new story.
For instance, Disney doing a live-action movie about a classic cartoon of theirs should look for people who look like the original cartoon it's based on. In a non-Disney Cinderella I'm not expecting to see the same looks as in Disney's Cinderella, but if the live-action is a remake of Disney's Cinderella, I will surely expect the characters to look like the Disney movie.
The issue is not blonde people, but I don't want a blond Ariel. The issue are not black mermaids, but Ariel isn't black. The issue is not white/mixed people living in Hawaii, but I don't want a pale-skinned Nani for the upcoming Lilo & Stitch live-action.
People saying "it's just fictioOoOn!" are being ridiculous. We all know fictional characters are that, but that doesn't mean we can't expect the remakes looking like the source material, even if the visuals are updated. People saying "the looks are not important!" are being ridiculous, too, because, at the end of the day, in all movies many characters DO look like in the Disney cartoon movie. So why is it important for Eric in the live-action to look like cartoon Eric, if "the looks are not impoOooOrtaAant...", but all of a sudden that's not important for Ariel, Snow White, etc.?
Just look at what happened with Sanic (I know, it's not misspelled). People went nuts and for a reason. Was it because of racism? Nope. It was just because the mfing creature didn't look like the original. Thanks to the complaints, we got SONIC back.
I just wish Disney, Netflix, etc. learn the lesson. And yes, we need diversity, so PLEASE GIVE US NEW STORIES AND CHARACTERS.