Disney princesses but younger(what do you want me to draw next time?)
Is Elphaba or Glinda considered a more difficult role vocally?
Soy ginecólogo y tengo un rato libre; ¿Quieren preguntar?
Canadian defence minister confirms UFO’S
Thoughts on Muni and Tori’s performance on iHeartRadio.
Can I say something and you guys won’t get mad? Halle Bailey was awful as Ariel…
I don't know if I should watch the full musical before watching the second movie!
Which Outfit is more iconic? ✨
Listen to the strings… what do you hear?
Com demanar que em parlin en català a la feina?
Los hombres se chaquetean diario? Tengo preocupación
elderly women swooning over trump.
Live-action characters in remakes should respect the original cartoon looks
Nessarose in the next movie:
If you don't know what year would you think this photo of Mimi is from
¿Por que al fumar yerba te vuelves filosófico?
Have You Ever Refused to Read for Someone? Why?
I don’t know how to get into Björks 2010 albums such as vulnicara and utopia. Is it any good? I’m into like heavy beat stuff like crystalline
Am I the only one who thinks No One Mourns the Wicked is the best song from Act 1?
Era ateo, después evangelico, ahora católico, preguntas?
Atheism is clearly a form of religious thinking
RPG classes
Frustrations as a Day 1 Marina Fan
Mi pareja usa badoo para conocer gente nueva y para crear amistades. Pero siempre sueles ser del genero opuesto ¿que opinan?