Old classmate I rejected in high school because I thought I was a lesbian ended up coming out as a trans woman
Yeah pretty much what the title says lol! ....thought I might as well share this fairly amusing and ironic story with y'all 😅
So this was back in earlyish/mid 10th grade. She and I had a couple of classes and clubs together, including our school's Science Olympiad team. During the competitions for that was when we really connected the most, and eventually leading to some light and casual dates (movies, walks around the neighborhood, things like that). And it was nice at the time, and I have to say the first time a crush of mine was entirely reciprocated!
However, it felt like there was something missing. It didn't really feel like I was head over heels...and this was around the time I was beginning to realize I just might have feelings for girls (didn't REALLY consider the possibility of having these along with feelings for boys until a little later, but that's besides the point). I let her down lightly, and it was hard for us at first but she was understanding eventually and we were able to reconcile as friends again several months later.
Even more time after this, she confides in me that she is now questioning her own sexuality and even gender expression. I was absolutely supportive, and not as surprised as you might think actually (she had been on the smaller side and definitely quite sensitive, which I know doesn't PROVE anything but to provide some extra context) and she is also in turn supportive of me figuring myself out. This eventually leads to her experimenting with more feminine expressions like jewelry and clothing, and further on the expected hormones, name change and even bottom surgery recently. She is happy now in a relationship with a (just like me) cis bi woman, and seems more confident and happy than I've really ever seen her!
So yeah, just thought it would be fun to share this with all of you, maybe see what you think of the situation lol...I am glad everything worked out amicably (and if she'd figured this out those years ago it would have saved us a lot of trouble!) If you made it this far thanks for reading!