Trios consisting of 2 boys and 1 girl
Old classmate I rejected in high school because I thought I was a lesbian ended up coming out as a trans woman
Thank you all so much for your patience.....the Zinc Battery rap takes Z, the final entry in our alphabet (and is so long I couldn't even get the entire list in one screenshot)! I hope you all had as much fun with this as I did!
One of their core character traits is their rampant ego. However- like it or not -they’ve more than earned the right to be.
Yuruziha just BARELY squeaks by to become our Y! Last but not least....Z is for?
Yep, to the surprise of absolutely no one....Xeno runs away with our X! Y is for...
Yeah I don't know Morse code unfortunately but ẂĤỲẄĤƳẀĤÝŴĤŸ is our W! X is for...
How many Kingdom of Science members does it take to change a lightbulb? Before we answer, we're going to need some vacuum tubes, our V! W is for...
Did you hear? Our sharpshooting pacifist Ukyo is U! V is for...
The villain just starts fucking with the opening
You'd think a show so focused on scientific accuracy would have a better grasp of how percents work....but anyways Ten Billion Percent is our T! U is for...
Gay heterosexual guys
(Adored Trope) Sure, I'm a coward, but I will go to Hell and back to protect the people I love, even if I'm pissing my pants while I'm doing it.
The man, the myth, the legend himself...Senku is our S! T is for...
Our R is Ryusui!! But it the name of the character or the title of the special episode? No one knows......S is for?
Leading to the all-important glass...Q is for quartz sand! R is for...
The whole cause for the series in the first place...P is for Petrification! Q is for...
Good morning world, OHAYOU SEKAI is our O! P is for...
N is for Nitric Acid! It's not vital, so that means we all have to stay conscious for 3700 years (or at least for the rest of this alphabet)...O is for?
Occlupanid video
I have discovered a plothole.
Here we have how the whole story got started in the first place...M is for Medusa! N is for....
L is for labor.....which you can't spell without "lab" either! M is for...
I know I'm all pumped up....Kaseki is our K! L is for...
Dr. Stone in chemistry class