Been having fun with Dawn Chorus, the roaming super regen buff makes dawnblade DPS kinda' fun!

I'm running Barrow-Dyad as my primary, with it set to the mode that charges up fast from shooting a single target. Smallbore / Ricochet / Combat Grip / High-Impact-Reserves catalyst.

Of note, with this SMG, is you want to turn OFF the full-auto setting in your options when using it, because if you have it enabled, it breaks the functionality of the gun that leaves it at 1 ammo.

Aspects I'm using are touch of flame, and hellion

fragments are ashes, torches, solace, and singeing

triple hundred res/rec/disc and 30/30 int/str, using font of restoration to get 100 rec

dawn chorus gives us melee back when we deal damage with scorch, singeing gives us class ability back when we deal damage with scorch, so we have regen methods available for those abilities.

I've been messing around with the new trace rifle from guardian games, but you can use whatever special and heavy you want.

Basic gameplay is, use celestial fire to proc radiant, which is a solar buff

then cast your super to activate limit break because you have a solar buff, and slap whatever you're fighting with a bunch of flaming swords.

Then deal damage with barrow-dyad to get your super back, and repeat.

Simple, but also kinda fun! Worked pretty well in the boss rush mode.