Supremacy. How are you PvE players holding up?
Been having fun with Dawn Chorus, the roaming super regen buff makes dawnblade DPS kinda' fun!
Bungie, THANK YOU for enabling matchmaking for the Expert Rushdown playlist... can you please do the same for other Expert activities?
I just lost 103 points as a solo vs a 3 stack
Ballidorse wrathweavers feel kinda good, but they're missing self synergy.
I finally got Ballidorse Wrathweavers working in a way that feels really, really fun to play.
Hope Act 2 is more benevolent with the Heretic Arsenal drops
[Craft to Exile 2] Unable to craft wireless crafting terminal
Bungie, Onslaught Salvation (2075 power) with Oscillation and multiple Banes introduced for no increased reward for the added difficulty is unbalanced.
Bungie, it’s about time us Warlocks get a taste of that Celestial/Pryogale action
Sprit of/Starfire Protocol should also regenerate grenade energy from scorch ticks.
What were the engine changes starting from Beyond Light?
Got an idea for a winter's guile rework that actually leans into the whole, penumbral blast thing.
Best Warlock Subclass to pair with Outbreak Perfected?
New Players, go buy the Threaded Needle that banshee's selling.
(NJ) EULA question about Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced.
I think harmonic scavenger is bugged.
We should be able to directly spend deepsight harmonizers at the relic.
Taken Phalanx shields are covering WAY more than they used to, and I have proof
Warlock: Deploy sentry and gain bolt charge for every hit it makes. Titan: Deploy barricade and gain passive bolt charge over time. Hunter: Put on Tempest Strike then debuff a target with jolt then kill the debuffed target then you get 1 stack of bolt charge.
It would be nice if elemental siphon mods got dropped to 2 energy cost instead of 3.
The Gjallarhorn ornament blinks
Destiny 2 Update
Why are my cows forming a circle of emptiness in my farm? I'm really confused
Hey DTG, now that arc is good, what would you consider the "least good" subclass on each class?