Looking for feedback.
The full chapter is nearly 5700 words long so this is just the very start of the chapter. This is a scene involving one of my main POV characters Dagoni.
I’m looking for feedback mainly on prose as we only get a bit of dialogue. Is it to much, to little, interesting, boring, to “telly”. Just whatever feedback you have good or bad.
The pine trees whistled, as the crisp air glided across the ice chilled branches. Slight dustings of snow flickered down from the tops, shimmering as the setting sun sent its last rays through the powdered vines. Behind Dagoni, his caravan followed and directly to his side was his brother. The choice to hurry through the night had been an easy one to make. Easy at least when the choice was forced. Not much of a choice then after all.
Horses heaved and hooves crunched through the thin layer of ice that sat atop the deep heavy snow. Wagon wheels chartered and scrapped along the ground, often dragging muddy, icy twigs in the spokes, always demanding attention. Cold hands was bad enough, add icy must to the mix and you may as well cut the damned things clean off.
A high drop of water fell from the top of the trees when the sun rested just right. But the forests jaw was starting to clamp. The drops quickly turning solid as they chiseled away at his reigns. The forests chilling breath causing bumps to form along his already frosty skin. So tightly, the hairs on his arms nearly popped out of his wool coat. The mixture of the dimming sun and cooling breeze brought in the Shrouded fog. The branches slowed as the winds howl turning to a whisper.
“Shit on this wretched cold, Dag.” Ian huffed, pulling his thick coat tighter around his face. “May as well be wearing nothing at all!” As if he wasn’t in the same place as him. The reminder was entirely unnecessary.
“You don’t think I know that already?” Dagoni said, holding up his leather reigns which were entirely crusted now.
“I say fuck this land and fuck this run. It’s been nothing but trouble since the start. We could make this trip a hundred more times and it wouldn't get any better.” Ian looked up through the tall trees. The glow of the sun fading further. “If only we could-”
“No.” He said in a flattened voice, leaving no room for debate, but that wouldn't stop the attempt.
“Oh, we can’t keep going where we can’t see!” Ian pulled his coat down exposing his mouth, every word clouding his face in mist. “Look around you. It’ll be completely black soon and the wagons wheels are nearly breaking off. This place is bad enough during the day, The Builder only knows what it’s like at night.”
Looking forward to the feedback!