Should sales leaders/executives be replaced with gaslights?
Grave of the Fireflies
I’ve always struggled with my mindset and don’t know what to do.
When/how do you dig into DM process?
1997 Berserk influence on FL?
So I'm new to this series and I've consumed all the audiobooks over the last 3 months. (SPOILERS)
#2063 - The Rock
A frozen tundra with farms?
If you get rejected when proposing, it’s entirely your own fault.
Looking forward to feedback!
Looking for feedback.
Sharp Ends - Bethods POV - Logan’s story and my personal rating of each book so far.
Reps that work deals for 6+ months, what do you do to keep it up?
Looking for some feedback on my first two pages [577 words]
“No, I’ll reach back out to you. I PROMISE you’ll hear back…
I just finished Red Country...
My work so far on a taxonomic classification chart of the fantasy races within my world.
How do I avoid Lore Dumps?
What do I prioritize in order to feel like I’m actually getting somewhere?
Ideaa for making life worse for seagulls in my post-apoctalyptic world?
Just finished the first three books and I think I’ll have to stop there.
Something isn't working.
I need some good advice on how to add balance the realism and fantasism? In a book.
Which makes for a more compelling read?
Creating names, races, cultures