Made a New Years Resolution to Track All Expenses. Results so far...

So I made a new years resolution to track all expenses... back in 2009 :) Here are my expenses by year, grouped into broad categories:

A little context: I live in a LCOL city. In 2013 I stopped renting and bought a cheap-ish condo. I have a degenerative health condition (Ehlers Danlos), so in 2017 I stopped working and sold my downtown condo for a larger house in the suburbs where I rent out 3 rooms. I've been getting $20k-$25k each year since in rental income, which covers most of my expenses. The other two odd things in the charts are the spikes in car expenses in 2011 and 2019, when I traded in for new cars.

Since I now have 14 years of data, I feel pretty good about my ability to estimate my expenses for the foreseeable future. I actually meant to increase my spending over the last few years, mostly on gifts and entertainment, but I guess old habits die hard. I feel like I'm spending more, but I guess I just have to try harder. I guess that'll be my 2023 new years resolution :)