Horizontal Scrolling Bar on Fullscreen Video suddenly showing up starting today on Youtube Only. (Details on post inside)
SWR performance for people who retired in 2000
LeanFIRE with $1 mil? WWYD?
Daily FI discussion thread - Thursday, May 30, 2024
Made a New Years Resolution to Track All Expenses. Results so far...
Guaranteed 4% SWR success!
Your year-over-year spending? How inflation is impacting the FIRE community
AITA For Not Wanting My Husband To have Access To My Inheritance?
Lean-FIRE'd 5 years ago. Increased my spending by ~$10k/yr since then! How and why I did it...
(Charts!) Year-2000 Retirees: The ultimate survivors!
My personal financial details (from they guy who makes the updates on the year-2000 retirees)
Walking around a beautiful neighborhood this weekend put the FIRE tradeoff into focus
What about lower Social Security benefits resulting from retiring early?
Can the technology in mRNA vaccines be used to repair damage in the body?
New proposal to lower Medicare age to 50
Someone made a FIRE dating site
A valuation approach to the safe withdrawal rate
(Charts!) 2020: a good year for people who retired in 2000!
Why I think people should strongly consider a 2% SWR (serious)
Year 2000 retirees: A Coronavirus Update
Social Security and FIRE
Year 2000 Retiree Calculations Redux
Retired in 2000? Congratulations on surviving another year (with charts!!!)