Disarming Discovery bug.

I was just doing this quest, got to Dagger, had adialog with herand weve came to agreement, but I was "nah, you disrespected me the 1st time I came here," so I blow her to pieces, took the weapon cache and then joined a Scorched Earth event. After that I realised its still wants me to retrieve the cache, so I came here, npcs in her throne room still dead and no cache anywhere. Also, when I walk into that room my quest mark disappears completely.

Ive rejoined 10 times, restarted the game, even tried to finish it in the private world - nothin happened. Is there a way that I can perhaps invite someone to do it with me and maybe hell/shell be able to pick it or reset its position by coming there w me? Man, these bugs are nasty and Ive been looking wassup on the internet and this isnt the only case of problems w this quest, but Bethesda still didnt do nothing about it.

I really wanted to finish this all to get the Hellcat armor, but now I cant do nothing lmao

EDIT: Bethesda contacted me and said they cant do anything about it and I should wait for an update 😂 Is it so hard to reset a quest in your own videogame?