I love Otz, I do not love seeing Wesker and the same 4 perks every game
Brand new Tab S8 slightly bent
Players who overstay
I Have An Infinite Fallout 1st
What is wrong with Trap Camps?
Got the hunters long coat!
[XB1] H: AAE Perception Railway Rifle W: Anything of it's worth, but MOSTLY 2* BFFR 50 Cal.
I saw a trap camp getting destroyed by a rocket camp
[XB1]: Im looking for good light machine gun
Calling all the legacy haters...where do you stand on the scout banners hmmmm. P2W. Bethesda at Thier best.
Historical Maintenance Window Stats
They need to change Deliverance requirements for real. It now is a guarantee to unhook yourself if you rescue someone before your first down.
Who would you rather see in your lobby? As Killer or fellow Survivor
Stop putting things in your vendor for 40k caps if you don't want to sell it
People putting useless trash weapons in their Vending Machines
What do you look for when you go to someone's C.A.M.P. Vendor?
I am the only one selling plan for cheap ?
[XB1] H: BE Fixer W: BE, BFFR, AAE gun (Handmade, .50 Cal etc.)
A Lucky Day In Fallout 76
Guys I swear he’s not unfair guys please come back he’s not low tier guys
Moonshine Jamboree
Question About BE Thompson Submachine Gun
Which of these legendary effects is the best one?
Disarming Discovery bug.
November 22nd Shop Update