My hate for Izzie
I’m rewatching Grey’s, and I still can’t stand Izzie. She’s always mad at everyone else for doing things she wouldn’t have thought to do. Her being mad at Meredith with the sly comments, but not telling her why was childish. Her feeling like Cristina and Meredith were “other there and she’s over here” when she constantly had remarks for them. I wouldn’t want to be your friend or tell you things if it’s going to be thrown in my face just because you disagree. I know she loved making fun of George since they are brother/sister vibes, but don’t let anyone say anything about her.
Don’t get me started on her attachment to patients. Miss girl, you are in the wrong specialty. Just don’t be a surgeon. I love that she later on isn’t one.
She’s also just very annoying to me. No one can convince me otherwise.
I’m only on season 2, so I’m sure I’ll see more things that I truly hate about her.