Who is a character that you hate but fans love?
I would’ve ran for the hills!
i CANNOT STAND jill vertes.
what KIND of people can you not be friends with?
What’s a food you absolutely refuse to eat no matter what?
I’m trying to improve my social life, and I feel like I’m failing
What’s a small thing that really gets on your nerves?
If You Could Have the Vocal Range of Any Singer, Who Would It Be?
What is the worst response a person can give to "I love you."?
What song is torture to you?
What's a movie everyone raves about but you just don't like?
Which discontinued fast food item do you want to come back?
I can’t stand April
My hate for Izzie
Who do you think was the better friend?
Sorry guys I posted the link to this TikTok before. Clay annihilated!
What's the beverage you got too drunk on once and can never drink again?
What is a thing you can recite from memory?
What’s a compliment that secretly annoys you?
People who slept with their best friend, what happened?
Who should Mer have been with? Post Derek that is.
What’s the most useless thing you still have memorized?
What’s a movie you watched as a kid that traumatized you?
Who is your celebrity crush?
what's a character you've tried so hard to like but can't?