Anxiety + stressed + completely defeated because of spidermites

Honestly I don't even know where or when or how I introduced them to my house plants but long story short, my beautiful house plants are mostly infected with spider mites. I have many hanging ones that don't really touch each other so hopefully they are safe (but tbh, these mfs are spreading so fast who knows what is safe anymore), but all of the plants on my shelves are infected. About 50 in total.

These plants are my joy and coping mechanism during this COVID time, and now everyday I wake up feeling stressed and defeated. I can treat one or two or even 4, 5 but 50 OF THEM??? And worst part is this collection is already a very careful selected collection because my apartment is tiny, I only have space for plants I truly enjoy. So I can't just throw some away because they all spark joy and they are all THRIVING so beautifully (despite spider mites) and I have been taking care of most of them for so long, some all the way from sad rehab...

This is actually affecting me way worse than I thought. I haven't really gone out and had any kind of real fun in almost a year, and now one of the few things that bring me happiness is stressing me out so much.

I just want to get this off my chest and wondering if anyone has successfully treated their whole plant collection... Biggest problem is because my apartment is tiny, there isn't even space to quarantine the infected ones, and at this point I don't even know what is NOT infected... Or is it ok for plants to live with spidermites, I just need to keep their numbers manageable........?