Do you guys have a color you’re OBSESSED with and will fall in love with anything in that color regardless of your usual style?
HELP: Which photo do I blow up and surprise my fiancé with? (Not edited yet)
Know nothing about watches, want to gift boyfriend a Rolex
Does anyone know if the Hughes-Trigg student center is still open on Labor Day? I just wanna sit somewhere semi-quiet to study
[TOMT][Movie] A bartender passing a note to a police officer asking for help but he didn’t take the note
How much do you spend on your dog a month?
Can I use same SOP when applying for MSCS and MSSE of the same school?
Boarding question -- overnight supervision
I was wondering where to find a sublet for the summer in Plano
Winter Storm Megathread
Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me
Had her for two months so far as my first car, absolutely in love. Decided to finally change a couple things :)
How to remove vegetable oil from the floor?
He ghosted me right after this. Just trying to figure out our interests just don’t align or I came on too strong. More details in comment
Are packing cubes useful?
Daily Simple Questions Thread
Anxiety + stressed + completely defeated because of spidermites
For anyone following Oakley’s journey, he went from having 0 toy drive to playing every day! (Peep his blue octopus, Octy, in the background)
[Help] Do dogs have perception of height? My dog almost jumped to his death had I not manage to barely grab his legs at last minute.
After what feel like an eternity I have finally panned The Body Shop Body Butter in Almond Milk & Honey
My most amazing wife, on the day our 5th and last was married. She raised kids (I helped!) from 1973-2012 but that last daughter... the cord was never cut.
My pride and joy Swiss cheese plant. Grown exponentially since rescuing from home depot. See 2-3 new growths a week!
Can I hang a shelf directly on very thick wall?
An old Yiddish joke my father in law told me
our experience if it were in real life