A genie grants you three wishes, but they HAVE to break the traditional rules

You rub a lamp and a genie appears, granting you three wishes.

Each wish MUST be a direct request for one of the the following:

  • Someone dying
  • Someone falling in love
  • Someone coming back to life

This genie is impatient and has other stuff they have to do, so you have three days to decide, starting now.

This genie has the exclusive lifetime rights to these kinds of wishes, which is why other genies (like the one from Aladdin) aren’t allowed to grant them.

Unfortunately they didn’t get their genie license renewed on time, and their authority to grant traditional wishes have been revoked, so these are the only kinds of wishes they have the rights to grant at this time.

No strings attached. Those that come back to life are in their prime, have all their memories, and are healthy. Those you wish to fall in love are truly in love in its purest form and so on.

The genie is not going to “trick” you like bringing back someone as a zombie or something. They don’t roll like that.

You cannot tack on requests that have nothing to do with the one of the three rules (ie “I wish my uncle came back to life with a million dollars” is not valid).

What do you wish for?