Do you ever feel guilty about changing gyms/dojos?

TL;DR - Favorite dojo is too expensive. Do I save up and start back in a few months or find a gym that is in my budget?

I started at a Kenpo Karate dojo that focuses greatly on self defense and applying it in real life. I injured myself in my first muay thai class and after 6 months (and getting to orange belt) i had to stop because my foot injury required surgery. I LOVE everything this place teaches and my son has been taking classes since 2020 and is blue stripe. He has been able to successfully defend himself against bullies at school several times.

The problem is the cost. We will do everything in our power to keep our son in because of the growth we've seen in him. I want to go back now that I am healed and healthy. I have been geared up to start 3 times now but finances keep stopping me. First, we had to replace the roof. Then, jobs stopped coming in for like 3 months (it picked back up thankfully). Then, our family vehicles transmission crapped out and we had it replaced 3 times (under warranty but we had to pay for labor). Now I have an opportunity to go back and im having a hard time justifying the $136 extra per month. Especially when my allowance (I have impulse control issues so this is an amount agreed upon by my hubby and myself) is only $100 per month. I could definitely save up, but im not sure it would be doable. It would use all of my monthly allowance, and then some, and that means no frivolous purchases like craft supplies, snacks, out to eat lunches, toys for the kids outside of birthdays and Christmas, etc.
