Do you recognize this character??
Does anyone know if there is a symbol for closing/ solidifying/ sealing a blessing?
Did you have one of these ?
Toddlerism Tuesday
Do you ever skip meals because you can't be bothered to make a real meal?
Mmm, beach chicken!
What snack are you guys truly addicted to? Like if it’s around you, there’s no stopping you from eating it.
There’s something wrong with this boy… 😂
People who mix everyone's laundry together: why?
Just say yeth.
Grateful for libraries 📚
Parent separation anxiety?
Please name one thing you LOVE about adulting
What’s the “cheapest” habit you have?
Reading Possum Magic to my 5 month old while waiting for a cyclone to hit (after preparing all day, with a teething, clingy baby) and THIS FRAZZLED LITTLE GUY IS A WHOLE MOOD
They don’t have ranch…
Does anyone know what this behavior means? Iris is a very cuddly 5 month old laying hen, but starts making these noises when I approach? She's also raising her feathers a little, I will leave her alone now, just wanna know if she's okay :)
Um, soooooo Joan's is closing so.... I went in there.... and bought a cricut maker. now I have no clue where to start. any recommendations?
Adderall making me too tired
Meals are a BURDEN!!!
Do you ever feel guilty about changing gyms/dojos?
Hooray Kids Songs
You gotta make sh*t whimsical sometimes.
Today is my golden birthday! 27 on the 27th! That means I’ve officially lived to see 24 more birthdays than I was expected to see!
We rescued this dude 5 months ago and has never glowed like this... I think he likes it here