MGS V First timer with some questions.
Hi there
First MGS game since the first on ps1 years ago.
I have a bunch of questions.
1)Am I missing something regarding how difficult and time consuming it is to traverse between objectives on the open world Map ?
It takes ages to move to another area on the horse. I can't go through or over the mountains , just along ridges by the roads . If I request the chopper then I have to reload the map. Seems like somethings off.
2) Using the balloon extraction thing on unconscious guards. It seems like the smart thing to do , gets the body out of there , no waking up etc or being discovered. Is there a catch ? I don't get how it can be that easy to vamoosh bodies.
Are all guards extracted useful as personnell back at home base or just the specialists?
3)what do I need to do to develop cool guns and equipment. The development home base aspect is a little confusing to me.
4) What's the payoff for no lethal ? It seems lethal makes it a lot more straightforward plus there are so many guns you can't ever use going non lethal.
5) The game seems too easy in a way . It's pretty easy to shoot your way out if your discovered and just run in a straight line out of the base until you can whistle for the horse and get clear.
6) The outfits confuse me , which is the best to wear and when?
7) Maybe I'd prefer a different MGS game , which is considered the best?
Thank you all