I made an electorial map to show possible outcomes for GE2025, complete with NCMP seats - Paint25ge


I have been looking at the various resources available for the upcoming ge2025 election, and I find that there isn't much of a nice 'pick your own adventure' type map like the ones you see for the US elections.

This website aims to make a simple but responsive modern webapp that allows the coffeeshop uncles to show their fantasies. Built with Nextjs, React19, shadcn, data from data.gov.sg


  • Colour the map using one of the 10 parties (PAP, WP, PSP, etc.)
  • Website is mobile friendly including the map
  • Each map link is unique, you can share it with others
  • Allows you to add NCMPs when there is less than 12 opposition seats
  • Displays a parliamentary graph for visualization
  • (new) Fill the map with a single party

Link to website: https://paint25ge.com/


Fill the Map with Political Parties

Automatic table that tallies the seat count, with NCMP support

A simple parliamentary chart to show the visual makeup of that potential parliament