I made an electorial map to show possible outcomes for GE2025, complete with NCMP seats - Paint25ge
is it okay to eat fast food once a week?
The blessing is pretty hype live (epilepsy warning)
The NEL yesterday, 9pm, at Hougang Station because trains were evicting people out here due to the fault at Sengkang. This is only way to Sengkang and Punggol by rail and no future planned parallel lines are confirmed yet.
Public crowding onto ISB
That thing bussin’
We have jewel at home (com3)
What is the fastest way from kent ridge mrt to com1?
Weekly Q&A Megathread. Please post any questions about visiting, tourism, living, working, budgeting, housing here!
Goodbye 7% GST
As a Singaporean, what is one country you dislike going to?
/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for April 14, 2022
What's a nice place to drive around at night?
NUS IGP for AY 21/22 released
My mathpunk world power level system with monster families (/w fan service elves)
[New Chapter] The Princess's Double Life - Chapter 5
Does NAT affect TCP seq/ack numbers?
Why can't I form sentences in English after memorizing grammar like 'and', 'with', 'before'?
After learning most of the Japanese grammar. Can't form my own sentence yet. What to do next?
New amended bus routes starting 19 July 2021
How do you guys feel about another semester fully online?
Guess who forgot there was a last page of the exam until submission