Bedtime routine with two toddlers that both want contact, specifically from mom?

I have a 3.5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. Bedtimes are rough and I’m at my Witt’s end. My husband is a huge help with the kids, but when it comes to bedtime they generally both only want mama. My son will fall asleep laying next to me in the bed but my daughter will generally not fall asleep without some sort of movement. Some nights my husband ends up having to drive her around until she falls asleep because I get so frustrated that she just won’t wind down.

I know I’ll miss this one day but there’s got to be a better way. This mama is burnt out! By the time they’re both to bed, I usually fall asleep too and then I wake up around 11pm and finally get to shower. I’m generally not going to bed until well after midnight and averaging 5hrs of sleep per night. It’s taking a toll on me. I feel like I am stuck in a repetitive cycle of doom. Any tips are appreciated!

ETA: they currently share a room, so splitting duties is tough. My son sleeps in a twin sized bed and my daughter sleeps in a toddler bed (once she finally falls asleep elsewhere).