Flight diverted from Atlanta to Miami?
VA secretary’s words don’t match DOGE’s actions
5 bullet impact explained to non feds
What's one thing that someone says while at work that makes you cringe to no end?
Thoughts on email regarding social media use?
Shower caulk cracking immediately
Bedtime routine with two toddlers that both want contact, specifically from mom?
TIFU by showing my wife to swipe right and see the Popular feed
Monotony is killing my marriage…
Picking up child by the head?
Can pharmacy dictate which medications you are allowed to order?
New Orleans attacker tried to use high explosive that could have killed hundreds
Took a job doing weight loss and hormone and regret it.
Bumps at base of frenulum?
LVP install questions
Lightning McQueen wrapping paper?
Best way to clean vomit from car seat?
Daughter bitten at preschool
Hypersensitive sense of smell
Toddler attached to teacher
Separation anxiety or red flag?
Insect egg ID? North central Florida
What’s a weird/unique way you eat your food?
A medical mystery: Why does Central Florida see so many leprosy cases?
How am I ever going to find a name for this kid?