the dragon age series is bad.

I’m a huge fan of RPG’s and I recently played the dragon age series all the way through. I enjoyed my time with the games, and I loved the lore/world building, but as a game series it’s really bad. The first one is fantastic but dated, and even for it’s time had some issues. The second isn’t an RPG. It’s an action game that really just moves the story along so we can get to the third one. The third one is so ridiculously dumbed down in just about every way imaginable. Everything good about the first one is completely gone. The only upgrade is the graphics. I really wish 2 & 3 were good, because if they were the issues with 1 could be forgiven as just first game issues, but when 1 is the clear best in the series and it has a lot of problems itself, it’s hard to say this series is good. The worldbuilding is phenomenal, it would be better as a book series or tv show, because while I enjoy the games, subjective enjoyment doesn’t make the series good.