the dragon age series is bad.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
a question from a casual
[no spoilers] playing DAO, need help with a possible glitch.
What's the one WWE moment you missed, that you wish you'd seen?
Who was your WWE Crush in the 2000s - 10s? I’ll go first
Free Talk Friday
Feels like only a handful of people do anything *other* than grinding for the best gear as early as possible
why did these teams fail on the main roster? NXT produces great tag teams and the main roster always fumbles them.
Most breedable characters, i'll start
V is doing WHAT???????
Question about builds
face scans and player cards.
The lostest redditor
Tattoo idea. Cool? Or Dumb?
New player just being emotional
Somebody misunderstood the assignment 😁
What are the chances corpo V knew about David?
What’s a movie that isn’t “woke?”
WIBTA for dating an ex's sister?
can you solve this and find all the hidden messages?
Is it possible to watch the full show without jerking off?
is it weird that i wished i had someone to cry with me about my troubles?
How do I stop jerking off daily?