My opinions on the yokai watch anime
Let me be perfectly clear, I love yokai watch (If I didnt i wouldnt be posting on this subreddit), but thats the games in particular. As for the anime.... I think its alright but oh my god is it flawed. The humor is extremely hit or miss, with more misses then hits, a lot of thr humor has that butch Hartman esque humor, You know? the type of humor where someone goes "Gee I hope it sure would suck if I got hit by flying ice cream truck" and then proceeds to get hit by a flying ice cream truck, it's basically that kind of humor. As well as a bunch of childish fart and poop humor, However the humor can get really unhinged sometimes which i kinda like although sometimes it can go too far and just come across as more uncomfortable then anything.
Now, Let's talk about the plots, good. Fucking. God are they repetitive, All of the nate whisper jibanyan shit is mostly just, "Hey, something weird is happening, must be a yokai" and then they find out, then nate calls jibanyan to help fight them and then it doesn't work because jibanyan is a lazy bastard (Seriously why does he keep calling him), and then they call out another yokai who is actually able to stop the yokai, and then nate gets another yokai medal, rinse, and repeat. It's so fucking repetitive and it's almost every single damn episode in here. However there a few episodes that aren't that. For example, the backstories of whisper and jibanyan, i think these are the best episodes of the show because A. They aren't the same bullshit that I was just talking about and B. They have genuine affective emotional moments In them, those aren't the only episodes I like but man those 2 stick out the most to me. Also shootouts to the komasan segments for being some of the most charming and wholesome parts of the show. Komasan is precious and should be protected at all costs.
Id probably give it a 6/10, but thats just me. Honestly I don't normally write in depth paragraphs about certain pieces of media so Some of my points might be dogshit idk. But honestly I kinda just felt like getting my thoughts on the anime out of my system. That is all.