Can anyone tell me why I have such a pants heavy log at Barrows?
Giving away my 1080TI!
What insignificant thing did someone say that stuck with you forever?
What's the most toxic thing you have done in runescape?
Wtf, is this normal?
Being a horny woman sucks
Finally got 99 Cooking!
Saw this over the Gardiner. Daily traffic is going to increase by an astounding 38% because of DoFo’s plans for Ontario Place
Ontario PC leader Doug Ford says he will eliminate Highway 407 tolls in Durham if re-elected Feb. 27
Ontario should cancel the Starlink deal
Enough said!!
He decided to lead the way
15 to 22! Still working on confidence
Guess the country
The fine specimen of a man who ran American foreign policy for about 50 years
[osume giveaway] classic black nemui keyboard!
[Giveaway] Pigmodding 65% acryllic keyboard [World Wide]
Chimpanzees are 2X stronger than your average human. 😮
How can you produce food products, package it and sell?
I want to create a food product, package it and sell. I have no idea who to contact to help with production. What is the first step?
I (27F) really want a serious relationship but idk how because I’ve never dated anyone
found out my boyfriends babysitter is also someone he’s slept with who is also very involved with his children.
Varlamore achievement diaries ideas?
One boss for the rest of your OSRS life
[Suggestion] United States of America Expansion