I hate it when people say that warrior cats is for little kids
Why bro's wearing so much eyeliner?
Is there non-canonical content made by the Erins?
WHITESTORM SUPREMACY (rant + spoilers)
Which book of the entire book series of Warrior Cats is literally just this:
Okay, but why he's lowkey look like a dog from "Кропива" album cover.
I went through all three stages
One of my CirrusClan apprentice OC's, Magpiepaw! (Info about him in the comments).
They turned Mapleshade into Maplesmoke in Ukrainian translation, lol.
Why does he look like some gremlin
Crowpaw and Squirrelpaw. I want to turn this into key charms.
These holographic titles on the fourth arc is kinda funny.
Old-ish art of Brightheart. She looks kinda weird, but I don't know why
What style of animation would YOU want a Warriors movie/series to be?
Is it just me or?:
Mandela effect of Cinderpelt having an ivy that holds her leg up