Are Yiotro games too addictive?
You ever had that one person who you wanted to cuddle with so badly?
Ich ficke einen zufälligen Redditor der hierauf reagiert
Are solar system and galaxy scientifically true to scale?
Thought this belongs here
can someone explain the reason behind these stairs?
Mein innerer sani wurde gerade depressiv....
Rate my sweet body, please F19
Ist das "Grad" in Grad Celsius nicht überflüssig?
Gibt es eigentlich erwachsene Menschen die noch nie Zahnschmerzen hatten?
What’s at the foot of your bed?
Curious why everyone’s obsessed with gingers? Let me show you 😘🔥
Red hair energy 💋 You know you want some.
Tiny booties deserve love too [F]
I don't think I'm cut out for this life
Cant wait to start stretching it again
I frequently forget what team I'm on. I have to use inspect weapon to see my character's sleeve to remember. Is there a better way?
Curious what you all do in the music world?
What is the best video game you’ve ever played?
What ruins a burger?
Warum sind Löcher in Jeans cool in Unterhosen eher nicht?
Taking a shit always feels like there's something still inside after you are done
No one wants to listen to non-professional players?
Where did name "yiotro" came from.
What kind of piano students do you wish you had more of?