What does it say
Recommend real estate agent
Is it safe?
Commute to San Diego Area?
The worst pain known to man
just getting back into recording music, here is an unfinished song, please tell me what you think (i think this qualifies as slowcore/sadcore but idk lol)
Any ideas for a good name for my cat?
[Pre-Game Thread] Buffalo Bills vs. Denver Broncos Wild Card Game
My dad suddenly got this weird marble thing on his laptop's charging hole.
My first ever pumpkin
[Game Thread] Buffalo Bills vs Kansas City Chiefs
Should I buy Rodeo 99 4WD
What is your favorite historical fact?
High protein, high fiber, no cooking or reheating needed.
Mouth Breather
Please help us name our band
im pretty sure this is a blown head gasket
AIO by asking the wife to stop buying crap
Is this a crab?
Is my car totaled?
What are some things I can do to improve my coop?
Found outside my apartment, just curious if I can harvest it???
The easier it became to make ice, the faster the polar ice caps started to melt.
What’s their album name?
Kinda proud of this flat white this morning