(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 21) Io has been voted into good, where you place Jenos?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 20) Inara has been voted into Must Pick, where will you place Io?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 19) Imani has been voted into Must Pick, where you place Inara?
How Accurate Is This Powerscale did for each generation of Kage Strongest to weakest (Left To Right)
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 18) Do to popular demand we are adding a new top tier for Horse exclusively. Now where will put Imani?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 17) Grover has been voted into good tier, where will you place Horse?
@dikidaka Screw you, your barber and your father, my boy VIi has a nice 6 post about him put him next to Damba you false information spreading scrub.
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 16) Furia has been voted into Must Pick, where will you place Grohk?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 16) Grohk has been voted into Situational, where will you place Grover?
My Top 3 Chips, What's Yours?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 15) Fernando has been voted into Must Pick, where will you place Furia?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 14) Evie had been voted into good tier, where will you place Fernando?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 13) Drogoz has been voted into Situational Tier where will you put Evie? [Also sorry I'm late on today's post i work overnight and had to deal with naked Transgender running around the Hotel rooftop calling themselves "SuperNiqqa16"]
These are my favorite Hero's from the Big3 of Comics what do they say about me?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 12) Dredge has been voted into good tier. Where will you put Drogoz?)
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 12) Corvus has been into situational tier. Where will you put Dredge?
Out of these 5 who deserves the 4th place on the Mount rush ore of superhero’s?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 11) Cassie has been voted into Good tier, where will you put Corvus?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 10) Caspian has been voted into Situational Tier, where will place Cassie.
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 9) Buck has been voted into Situational Tier, where will place Caspian?
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 8) Bomb King has been voted into good tier, where will you place Buck?
Indie Games Indie Games Every Where
what is the name of this hair
So how ya'll holding up a month after the announcement. (This is my current state if being)
(UNIVERSAL TIERLIST PART 7) Betty La Bomba has been voted into the Situational tier. Where will you place Bomb King?