Is Bill equal in power to all six infinity stones?
[Favorite trope ever] tall girl x short guy
Who is this?
(First post here) In need of advice; what are the best dating apps for trans women
Media that has such great designs that it's basically cheating to post anything from them in r/topcharacterdesigns
Favorite fictional animal?
I’m wanting to make a sound font using Jeff noises to make music covers can someone help me make one? And if it somehow already exists could it be sent to me to use?
This is fine but it’s Jeff (OC)
Who is more sympathetic? Azula or Sarah Kerrigan (from StarCraft)?
Favorite character you like to quote/do an impression of a lot?
Characters who refuse to acknowledge "Artificial" lifeforms as sapient/actively depersonalize them
Favorite Character with Fabulous Hair?
Favorite character with the word "Machine" in their name?
If they add Jeff’s suit in Marvel Rivals, they should name it “Loan Shark” or something like that
Official crossovers that just… make sense
Silver & Blue(eng. Green) by @pkgllllllv(Twitter/X)
Whi-two/Whitley by @HAPP1NY(Twitter/X)
Favorite child murderer, not as in "they murder children" as in "child that commits murder"
Name a better glowup then Elises
[The Fairly OddParents]
Favorite female character that wears pants?
Horror Cartoons
Have you AI chatted with Gardevoir? What did you do?