This should be a Crime…
Where heads :(
The Drifter utilizes the his fellow Tenno to secure funds for the Hex
The Hex are easy to approach
What’s your main and why did you choose it?
What weapons have you tried to use for Steel Path but the damage profile didn't cut it?
Most Popular Frames, Average Player Edition
I painted this using bleach. whta do you guys think?
What are your orange cats called? This is Benjamin!
Guys I did it! The biggest monster I ever took down.
Pay your cat tax
Nami (Fishman Island ver.) by me, Anna!~
Please show me the first photos you ever took of your kitteh(s)
They're actually very similar if you think about it
I'll doodle your Cat!! Let's go😻
Share a pic of your cat freaking out or blurred!
Third Kuva Lich ever - did we do good?
Someone hit my parked car yesterday. At least they were nice enough to leave a note.
How many cats do you have ?Would three be too many?
Leitkultur oder so
New roommates just joined!
recently got a Sapphire 7900 for $8
With the 100x 10th anni scrolls comming soon and 10 ld scrolls after
Let's confuse the Germanoids. Post cartoons that only authentic PIGS members know.
Just wanna share Luffy gear 5th that I carved out of mahogany wood.