Drake the type of villain to menacingly walk like this.
S25E04 - "Blabbermouth" & "All Grown Up" [Episode Discussion - Arthur] 📺
opinions on dualie squelchers??
Not a slosher main.
so close
Where would Nintendo be today if the Switch had flopped?
Twinkling Star Ribbon in BDSP Too Difficult for Most Ribbon Pokemon?
Finally the last one ! my ability gold symbol
Touga and Topo berry purchased from Japan
You gotta be kidding me man…
Remember the great Playstation memory card shortage?
My SP AGS-101 Collection
IDK But I think the GB Player is damn cool
"Buster's Sweet Success" question
Should I EV train defense?
RNG'd a bunch of lil guys to take on the Sunny Park Colosseum in Battle Revolution
Switch 2 Accessory Attachment Concepts
This game gives me everything but my target shiny. A 4% encounter, really?
Chatot Pitches
Missing LightDB files?
My RNG spread requires me to hold Left and Down on D-Pad at the same time upon bootup. Is this possible on real hardware?
started the ribbon journey on the my pokemon ranch mew!!!!!
My first ever Gold Print in the Battle Factory!
Do you guys missed Arthur so much?
Having trouble finding info online - Can you RNG the special trades (i.e. Jasmine’s Steelix, Surge’s Pikachu, Steven’s Beldum) in HGSS?