Algum livro obrigatório sobre a história do Rio de Janeiro
Laminate gap question
The client who made my life hell asked me to come work for them
Cold air coming through - help
Weekly Q&A - All Questions Go Here (Especially Tourists)
French Butter
Why are billionaires so money hungry?
Emilia Perez and the lack of dialect coaches.
Top high schools
What are some of the things only found in Canada that you love and would cross the border for??
AIO: roommate put clothes in the dryer before leaving for hours and is pissed i moved it
Anyone else in their 40s and just done with it all?
Go to Justin Timberlake concert or stay home relaxing
Surgery in 60 minutes!
Where can I find a legit good Longchamp bag?
Neighbor in 70s taking care of 101 year old Mom
Some pics of my wedding in Mexico City. 8 months of planning, totally worth it
I don't understand the reasoning for hiding the truth
My PR card expired, so I’ll be flying to Buffalo NY to cross the border by land. What ‘purpose of visit’ should I state to the immigration officer when landing at the US airport?
What builds empathy in a child?
My bf breaks up with me if I won’t cancel my citizenship
How come so many people know how to use chopsticks?
Are we still sending nudes?
Solitaire instead of scrolling