What song makes you choke up?
Koala Kong’s Japanese theme is 🔥
Can touchpads be fixed?
Thoughts on Crash Nitro Kart?
What Is Your Crash Hot Take That Would Give The Community This Reaction? I'll Go First.
For the longest time, I though the N. Sanity beach in the title screen of Crash 1 is taken from the actual level or modeled. After using Duckstation freecam, turns out it was a texture
Nobody is joining my lobby
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
My Crash Bandicoot Illustrations, Commissions are Open!
Crash Bandicoot Unknown Logo Design
Is Luigi autistic?
My one and only Pokemon tattoo
I had to get this tattoo
Love the FF7 meteor, now in tattoo form.
Fitgirl repacks The Sims 4 tutorial
Anniversary Edition zoom
What's something you hate about yourself?
I love that we can play again but..
Hoping someone can send some Crash 2001 and earlier
What's something popular but you don't care at all?
My first and probably only Pokemon tattoo I will ever get
All voice over lines for single player challenge Lights Out - English and Japanese
What was your least favorite jason?
Hacker to avoid