How did you tilt back to diamond you say? Well here's how
Star Player Rewards
How to push Fang
What would have been your pick? _(draft taking place in L2)_
It's about Clancy
Help needed
Goo kim 💀
LN Year 3 Volume 1 Early Spoilers Thread
How does Allied even beat this team bro 😭💀 They’re so cooked
Which leader is most likely to get expelled
Koenji and koji recent volume discussion
Year 2 Volume 12.5 3rd Colored Illustration
Shit koenji is in danger(Y2 v12 spoilers)
Have your ever gotten hurt by your mother's words?
Year 2 vol 12 discussion
Is writer trying to only hype koenji ?
Predict year 3
Koenji vs koji
How good is the year 2 content?
Thoughts on koenji in upcoming year ?
Recommend some manga panels to color?
Is Kokorogi……..