I already stopped buying bourbon and corn
How do you differentiate normal HMI and Machine Armor HMI?
Reference Sheet out of date?
Sergeant Major Cohen Webb of the 43nd Battalion, East Surrey Regiment (RTC) WIP
Trench Cleric ability question
Pathetic villains that get a satisfying death
I feel like I post every day about these guys, but I finally finished them and needed to do a photoshoot.
Finalising New Antioch Machine Armour LT. Thoughts?
DMV kiosks totally useless?
The extreme cold caused something to shift and now this won't latch. Any suggestions?
Got a Cleric and Pilgrim done tonight!
Hot take: Anon is right
First batch of dudes for Trench Crusade done!
Adeptus Mechanicus
Referendum to ban X links
Let's 3D print our own car
Different equipment in Army Builder than 1.6 rules
Mechanised Infanteer with Great Sword
Tips for trench themed bases?
I made Oathbringer!
Has anyone painted their Palanite Enforcers as Trauma Team from CP2077?
Skitarii Marshal conversion
Help finding Mechanicum files?
2 extra bases in Mechanicum box?
Let me turn your username into an AI image