FINALLY!!!! Got my first super EVER!!! In the wild, it was sooo awesome!!!
Lookin to close out set 4 and 6 this is what I got to trade
Someone can exchange?:)
Trades? Really wanting to finish set 6
Trying to complete sets
Any Trades? Looking to Finish 4 & 5
1⭐️ Trade?
1⭐️ trade?
All I need for this set gold locked otherwise any help I got others I can trade for it including 5 stars
Lf American tycoon
8 stars each
Hello there fam its DIRTY THIRTY time again and today let's go back in time what was your fav childhood snack mine was any kind of fruit what yours as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!
I have both Blitz cards!
Trade 1:1
Gold locked. Show proof you need it.
Stars? Or trade? Can someone help?
Not a lotta people bought this
does anyone need these? will finish album later and don’t want them to go to waste😅
4⭐️ Trades please!