26F, Texas
Contraception options?
Any idea what this is and if it’s bad?
The circus is back
He’ll be a great team principal
Waiting for marriage
Audio softens with Midi keyboard/piano roll, but works fine with mouse clicks
Venues for around 50 people
When do they restock the 2-in-1 Men shorts 5'' ?
Antonelli watching Lawson take all the heat when they both get beat by a Sauber
Oopsie daisy
This will be me later today
Only thing keeping him in Ferrari after practice
Number of people at this races this year
Alright, which one of you did this?!
Need advice on how to gently end things
MBB or bust mindset really got me depressed
Can someone give some insight into what this person is on?
Notes/short reviews for men curious about women's Gymshark gear
Christian dating feels like a job interview
Is it safe to move on from someone after they stop being consistent and not planning a second date after 2 weeks of having the first date? Would you move on to after somebody stop being consistent?
Best way to repair a run above crotch area of flex leggings?
What podcast are you listening to right now?
I like him but he wants to have sex